Nashotah House Chapter

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Get to Know Robin Little

Nashotah House is pleased to welcome Robin Little to the Nashotah House Advancement team as our new Director of Development. After several years as Assistant Director of Development at The Church of the Incarnation in Dallas, Texas, Robin is eager to pair her fundraising experience with an enthusiasm to serve the alumni and friends of Nashotah House in this role.

“I am thrilled to have recently joined the team at Nashotah House,” said Robin. “I was raised at and have learned so much from my time at Church of the Incarnation in Dallas, so the opportunity to continue in the work to which God has called me in this new capacity is a blessing.” 

Formerly a political fundraiser in Washington, D.C., at the National Association of Broadcasters, Robin learned the “basics of fundraising” and how to create and implement development plans. She then moved to the National Association of Convenience Stores as their Director of Development. Both of these trade associations had sleepy programs that had been doing the same things for years. Robin’s development team was able to revise the plan and double the giving levels at both organizations. 

“I then had a major career change after moving to the deep south in Mobile, Alabama,” she said. “I opened a Barre3 fitness studio and loved teaching and educating the community there about health and wellness. . . . At the time, our studio sold more opening memberships than any other in the country, which indicated that we were helping meet a need.” 

Life soon took a crazy turn for Robin, and it was time to sell her business and home and get back to Dallas with her very young twins. She was now a single mom and needed the support of her relatives to help with two 18-month-old babies. The day before the moving van arrived, she received an email that her hometown church was looking for a development officer. 

“God placed us in the right place and the right time, and it was just where we needed to be,” Robin said. “Fast-forwarding a few years, when I heard about an opening at Nashotah House from another development professional in Dallas, the position sparked my interest and it has been a great move. I believe in exercising our God-given spiritual gifts during our time here on earth, and working in development allows me to do so. Being able to educate others about the work God is doing at Nashotah House could not come more naturally to me.” 

“For me, working with supporters starts with being a good listener,” she said. “We simply cannot help someone get to know Nashotah House in a more intimate way if we don’t listen to what is important to them. If our donors become more engaged, and are invited into the work and the mission of Nashotah House, increased support will follow.”