Dr. Andrew Louth: The Necessity of Platonism for Christian Theology

2021 Robert Crouse Memorial Lecture


The Necessity of Platonism for Christian Theology

SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, 2021 AT 2:00 P.M. (CST) VIA ZOOM | The recorded lecture is below.

The question of the Platonic foundations of Christian theology was a central theme of the scholarship of Father Crouse. For him, the wisdom of the Greeks was not superseded by Christian revelation, but built upon and brought to its fulfillment. Building on his recent work on the writings of Hans Urs von Balthasar, Dr. Louth will explore this theme in honor of Father Crouse, he says, “hoping this will be a fitting tribute to one I much admire.”

Fr. Andrew Louth is one of the foremost English-speaking Eastern Orthodox theologians alive today. He served as professor of Patristic and Byzantine Studies at the University of Durham. Fr. Louth is editor of the forthcoming Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church (4th Edition).


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