Current COVID Protocols

Dear Alumni and Friends,

In the hope of Eastertide, we reflect on the goodness of God, our Helper and Shield, who has protected Nashotah House through this pandemic. 

  • We have, to date, had no confirmed cases among students or faculty of COVID-19 resulting from any seminary activities.

  • Confirmed cases among our larger residential community have been blessedly few, none serious, and without any spread within our community.

  • With gratitude for the fine work of the Waukesha County Public Health Department, our entire faculty, staff, and residential student body have now had the opportunity for vaccination.

Current Protocols:

  • We are continuing to hold classes in-person—distanced and masked.

  • We continue to meet for our regular services in chapel—distanced and masked.

  • We continue to enjoy our refectory—with two persons (or households) to a table and the option of taking meals to-go.


  • We are receiving a very limited number of visitors to campus—prospective students, guests, alumni—provided they give us advance notice and observe the protocols of our community.

  • Because of the necessary social distancing in chapel, we have very limited space in the chapel for visitors. Prospective visitors who wish to participate in a chapel service should contact Kelly Medina ( at least three days in advance for us to arrange for your seating, if space permits. 

Commencement: We will be celebrating the graduation of the classes of 2020 and 2021 with an outdoor service on the Garth on May 20, 2021. (Seating is limited, and reservations are required.)

Summer Programs: Assuming the health trends continue moving in a positive or neutral direction and travel protocols cooperate, Nashotah House has a full and rich summer ahead, highlighted especially by the following:

Through this entire pandemic trial, by the grace of God and the exceptional efforts of our staff, Nashotah House has nonetheless enjoyed a 20% growth in our enrollment. Yes, there is some weariness among all, but morale is high and the future is bright. Your prayers have sustained us.

God, make speed to save us. Lord, make haste to help us.


Dr. Anderson


They are Just Old Things


The Rt. Rev. Charles Edward Jenkins, III, 1951-2021