The Anglican Theological Review (ATR) : Archbishop (Emeritus) Desmond Tutu

Call for Manuscript Proposals 

The Anglican Theological Review (ATR) invites scholars in philosophy, religion, theology, law,  restorative justice, Africana studies, international affairs, and other relevant disciplines to propose  papers on the theology and witness of Archbishop (Emeritus) Desmond Tutu, the 10th Archbishop of  the Anglican Church of Southern Africa, anti-apartheid activist, Nobel Laureate, and global human  rights leader. These papers will be published in a thematic issue of the journal celebrating the life,  legacy, theology, and witness of one of the great prophets and Christian witnesses of the 20th century,  and a saint for the 21st century. 

This thematic issue, the Summer 2022 issue of the ATR (Volume 104, number 3), is being published to  mark the 90th birthday of the Archbishop in October 2021. Its guest editors are the Rev. Dr. Michael  Battle, the Rev. Canon Walter B. A. Brownridge, and the Rev. Dr. Canon C. K. Robertson. 

The guest editors are seeking proposals for four to six articles from various perspectives of theology  and related disciplines for the Articles section, which includes scholarly research articles on topics  broadly related to Anglican theology. Manuscripts for this section will be between 7,000 and 8,000  words in length (including footnotes). The editors are also seeking proposals for two or three articles  for the Practicing Theology section, which generally features articles from practitioners focusing on  theology in concrete action. Manuscripts for this section will be between 3,000 and 4,000 words in  length (including footnotes). The editors may also consider manuscripts from other disciplines that  reflect on the legacy of the Archbishop’s episcopal ministry, his work as Chair of South African Truth  and Reconciliation Commission, or his being one of the founding members of The Elders, an  international non-governmental organization composed of public figures recognized as elder  statesmen, peace activists, and human rights advocates who serve as “independent global leaders  working together for peace and human rights.” 

Guidelines for Submission 

The guest editors are receiving proposals for original, unpublished work that is not under consideration  for publication elsewhere. Proposals of 250–300 words should be sent as Word or RTF files to: Proposals should indicate clearly in which of the two sections of the  journal the author intends the eventual manuscript to appear. Include as a separate attachment a current  curriculum vita of the potential author(s). 


Proposal submissions due: May 1, 2021 

Selected manuscript proposals announced: June 1, 2021 

Manuscripts due: September 1, 2021 

Revised manuscripts following editorial review due: January 7, 2022

ATR, School of Theology • 335 Tennessee Avenue, Sewanee, TN 37383 • (931) 598-1475 • 


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