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The Charles Hefling Student Essay Competition

Each year the Anglican Theological Review (ATR) holds a contest in search of an outstanding essay written by a student at a seminary of the Episcopal Church or the Anglican Church of Canada. The winner of the Charles Hefling Student Essay Competition receives a prize of seven hundred and fifty dollars and the ATR publishes their essay.

Eligibility for the Hefling Prize is limited to students enrolled in a master’s-level degree program during the academic year 2020-2021 at one of the ATR’s supporting institutions.

The jury for the Hefling Prize will consider essays on any topic, but special consideration will be given to essays that further the journal’s commitment to creative engagement with Christian tradition, and to interdisciplinary inquiry that includes literature and the arts, philosophy, and science.

Essays submitted for consideration in the Hefling Prize competition should follow the same guidelines as other articles submitted to the ATR. They should be approximately 5,000 words in length, and not more than 7,500. Papers written to fulfill course requirements are acceptable. Essays arising from independent study may also be submitted. Applicants should include in their cover letter their name and postal and e-mail addresses. To ensure anonymity in judging, the author’s name should appear only on the cover letter.

Deadline: Essays for the 2021 Hefling Prize competition
must be received by June 18, 2021.

Manuscripts should be submitted by email attachment in .doc, .docx, or .rtf format to:

Assistant Editor, Matthew Beach, at

The winning essay will be published as an article in the ATR, and the author will receive a prize of $750.