The 175th Commencement at Nashotah House: Live-Stream Links
Nashotah House is pleased to share with you the following live-stream events: the State of the Seminary address, Wednesday, May 19, at 2:30 p.m.; the Commencement Eucharist with Conferring of Degrees, Thursday, May 20 at 10:00 a.m.; and Evensong, Thursday, May 20 at 4:30 p.m.. Please click below to access the links to these three events that will be live-streamed during Commencement Week. Please note all times are CST.
State of the Seminary Address
Nashotah House 175th Commencement 2021
Commencement Evensong
Nashotah House’s Mission
Founded in 1842 as an heir of the Oxford Movement and inspired by Jackson Kemper, the First Missionary Bishop of the Episcopal Church, Nashotah House exists to form persons for ministry in the breadth of the Catholic Tradition, for the Episcopal Church, Churches in the Anglican Tradition, the wider Anglican Communion, and our Ecumenical Partners, thus continuing to serve our historic role as “The Mission,” empowering the Church for the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Real Preparation for Real-Life Ministry
While the hot topics and pressing concerns facing the church change with each generation, the fundamental task of the church is unchanging: to know Christ and to make him known. Founded as a mission on the western frontier in 1842, Nashotah House is committed to forming people for ministry in the catholic tradition of Anglicanism. The frontier has changed, but the mission remains the same: train men and women for lay and ordained ministries, empowering the Church to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Whether as a hybrid-distance or residential student, to study at Nashotah House is to become a member of something bigger than yourself. It is to join a community of students, faculty, staff, and their families who work, study, pray, and live together, sharing joys and carrying burdens as the body of Christ. Community life flows out of the twice-daily chapel schedule, where Christ is daily made present in the shared Sacrament, and where all can learn and grow in the faith once delivered to the saints and add their voices to the great chorus carrying the gospel into the world.
Across our programs, our goal is the formation of the whole person. Students eat, drink, and relax alongside faculty, staff, and one another on our serene, historic lakeside campus and become truly present to one another, across the lines that divide the church today. Don’t just be informed. Be formed for ministry in a community that grows in the imitation of Christ by loving and serving each other.
A solid foundation is essential to building the church for future generations. We believe that grounding students in the great traditions and teaching of the church will allow them to lead the church faithfully on new frontiers and in a changing world. Every Nashotah House program is built around immersive enculturation and personal hands-on training that genuinely prepares students to minister to whomever they might meet, whether the mission field is across the world or across the street.
Nashotah House offers Discernment Retreats, Individual Visits and Experience Nashotah events twice each year. Contact us today to visit Nashotah.