In Time of Plague or Sickness

The Prayer Book Society Conference 2020

For the first time in its 48-year history the Prayer Book Society (PBS) conducted its annual conference online.

Although Coronavirus prevented members meeting this year, on Saturday, September 5, 2020, they were still be able to attend the conference which was streamed live on YouTube.

The PBS, which encourages rediscovery and use of the majesty and spiritual depth of the Book of Common Prayer at the heart of the Church of England’s worship, chose In Time of Plague or Sickness as the theme for the 2020 conference. The line is adapted from the title of a specific prayer in the Prayer Book.

PBS chairman Prudence Dailey said, “The first talk examined how pandemics have been seen through the lens of the Book of Common Prayer throughout history; the second one has a theological focus, and the final contribution looks at the ways the Prayer Book has been used in our times in the context of Covid-19. This year’s online conference has a unique advantage. It will be available indefinitely for people to watch online after the event if they miss it live.”

Speakers included:

- Professor Philip Williamson, professor of modern British history at Durham University,
topic The Prayer Book and Pandemics;
- The Rev. Dr. Matthew S.C. Olver, assistant professor of liturgics and pastoral theology at Nashotah House, topic Divine Visitation: The Prayer Book’s Theology of Sickness and Plague (beginning at 1:15:00);
- Prayer Book Society member Bradley Smith, topic Comfortable Words for Troubled Times: The Use of the Prayer Book during the Coronavirus Pandemic.


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