Vice Rector or Vicar, The Church of the Good Samaritan in Paoli, PA

The Church of the Good Samaritan seeks a priest with the executive and pastoral skills to serve in the role of the Vice Rector or Vicar, someone who will practice faithfully the full range of sacerdotal ministry, and support the Rector in oversight of the day-to-day operations of the Parish and Parish Day School.

One of the three largest parishes in the Diocese of Pennsylvania, ‘Good Sam’ is living the parable. We are a richly talented parish with minds, hearts, and hands trained to be attentive to what God, in Jesus Christ, wants of us and for us. This is reflected in the work of our communications instruments, such as The Wrapper, The Samaritan Weekly, and The Samaritan Magazine (links to samples of the same being available upon request). This position provides compensation appropriate to the talent that presents itself and a 4-bedroom rectory on the campus, utility expenses also provided, and of course, full benefits.


The Episcopal Church’s House of Deputies Committee on the State of the Church in 2018 reported “a profound and shocking decline when compared to the growth in population of the United States.” That decline has only worsened in the five years since. At Good Samaritan we are not participating in that decline.

In the past year and a quarter, in a time of transition, we have grown our average Sunday attendance by 21 percent and added 7 new positions to the staff. We are a parish whose ASA is 400 and climbing.

Interested parties should contact Missy Freiling, Executive Assistant to the Rector, at, with a cover letter and resume attached in pdf.


Rector, St. John’s Episcopal Church in Decatur, Illinois