Church Administration Seminar / March 6, 2022

St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church in Pewaukee, Wisconsin, is hosting a Church Administration Seminar, Sunday, March 6, 2022, beginning at 1:30 p.m. CDT. The seminar is in-person and online. The Rev. Joel Prather, (‘09), rector at St. Bartholomew’s, says, “Fr. Adam is one of the most gifted Christian leaders I know and is an ‘8th degree black belt in admin.’ He starts with the principle that good clergy / leaders must be good administrators because ‘Administration IS leadership.’”

Fr. Adam will be walking through Scripture and the Rule of St. Benedict as well as the "you don't need to work so hard to get that done in the 21st century" things clergy need to know. For example, he's the creator of
for the ACNA Book of Common Prayer.

Seminarians, clergy, and lay leaders will personally benefit from this seminar.

YouTube link here <> or please click the image below.

Questions or to RSVP, please email Fr. Joel Prather.


The Rev. R. Michael Darrow (‘62), 1937-2021


Nashotah House: Online Information Sessions this Spring!