From the Chapter

Clergy Finance Issues
Alumni, join us at 12:00 PM CST on Thursday, February 23, 2023, for this live webinar. Toni Marie Sutliff and Zach Peterson will address questions related to clergy finances, including the clergy housing allowance exemption, the value of housing for Church Pension Fund assessment purposes, retirement savings, and clergy-related tax issues. They will also point us to various resources for a more in-depth understanding of clergy finances and will answer your questions. Tap the image to find out more and to sign up.

Alumni Prayers for Nashotah House
Will you pray with us?
Nashotah House Alumni and Friends are invited to pray intentionally for Nashotah House in our 12-hours of Prayer on Wednesday, March 1 from 7am- 7pm (CT). Please consider remotely joining us to pray for Nashotah House, our community, our alumni ministries, and the work the Lord calls us to. You can sign up to commit to praying for 30-minutes and sign up for as many slots as you're able! We want to petition the Lord in prayer for 12 consecutive hours together. Our March 2023 Prayer Guide will be emailed to you, and our hope is that individuals, families, small groups, churches, will join us in creating a movement of prayer for Nashotah House! Tap the image on how to sign up.

"God as Embodied" Lecturer - The Rev. Dr. Hans Boersma
The Rev. Dr. Hans Boersma, Chair of the Order of St. Benedict Servants of Christ Endowed Professorship in Ascetical Theology at Nashotah House, will deliver the 40th Annual Father Alexander Schmemann Memorial Lecture at St. Vladimir’s Seminary on January 30 at 7 p.m. EST/6 p.m. CST. Fr. Boersma's lecture, "God as Embodied," will be live-streamed and is open to the public. Tap the image for the link.

Call for Papers - John Henry Newman Assoc.
You are invited! John Henry Newman Association of America annual conference at Catholic University of America: August 3-5, 2023Integrity, Authenticity, Mentorship: St. John Henry Newman; in honor of Rev. John T. Ford, C.S.C. Tap the image to find out how you may submit your proposals for papers.

Alumni Webinar February 2, 2023
Alumni, join us at 12:00 PM CST on Thursday, February 2, 2023, for this live webinar. We will explore how to prevent, recognize, and respond to abuse. Specifically, we will focus on how to minister to those who are survivors of abuse, how to respond to perpetrators of abuse, how to respond in a crisis, and how to build a healthy church culture before there is a particular crisis. We will explore how the Gospel offers help, hope, and healing to survivors. Tap the image for more details and to sign up.

Video: “Paul’s Freedom in Christ” with Dr. Anderson

The Making of We Praise Our God

All the Trees of the Wood Sing for Joy Before the Lord

Things Episcopalians Say: “The Word of God is Jesus, Not the Bible”
Take a class this winter at Nashotah House

Why Study Biblical Languages?

Five Encounters with Wisdom

Olver publishes series on Prayer Book revision and General Convention

The Hands of a Physician

Introducing the More Together campaign

Practice for the real thing

The Superiority of a Monastic Theological Method

Reprinting the Classics of American Anglicanism

Follow to lead
Follow to lead: Reflections on the Feast of St. Matthew